17.4 C
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Today, the United States of America celebrates Independence Day on July 4th. It is a significant day in American history as it marks the anniversary of the U.S. Congress announcing the Declaration of Independence in 1776, which led to...
Invitation au Symposium multimodal sur les pénuries de main-d’œuvre et de compétences Bonjour, Transports Canada vous invite à participer à un Symposium multimodal virtuel sur les pénuries de main-d’œuvre et de compétences dans le secteur des transports. Le thème du Symposium...
Canada Cartage expands service offerings in temperature-sensitive deliveries with the acquisition of Cam-Scott Transport Ltd. Canada Cartage is pleased to announce the acquisition of Cam-Scott Transport Ltd., a leading provider of temperature-sensitive delivery services based in Whitby, Ontario. With over...
Canada's Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, issued a statement today, naming this week National Trucking Week. National Trucking Week is usually the first full week in September. As the Minister rightly pronounced in his statement, "It is a time to...
E-Bulletin March 20/2024 Good afternoon, As you may know, the B.C. Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure recently announced two new regulatory requirements coming into force this spring: By April 5, 2024: Speed Limiters must be activated, set and accurately programmed to a maximum rate...
Father's Day

Father’s Day

Today, we celebrate the patriarchs of the family: it's Father's Day, and what a perfect day to pause and reflect on our fathers and express our appreciation to them. In these challenging times, families can often be complex. Many fathers...
E-Bulletin March 15/2024 Stopping and Parking Restrictions for Commercial Truck Drivers in Glacier National Park In early November, Parks Canada proposed  stopping and parking restrictions in the Rogers Pass  summit area of Glacier National Park, BC due to  safety concerns.   Thank you for...
“CVSA Conducts Unannounced Brake Safety Day Across North America” On April 19, 2023, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) inspected 6,829 commercial motor vehicles throughout Canada, Mexico and the U.S. as part of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s Brake Safety...
Multi-Modal Labour and Skills Shortages Symposium Invitation Hello,  Transport Canada would like to invite you to attend a virtual Multi-Modal Symposium on Labour and Skills Shortages in the transportation sector. The theme of the Symposium is “addressing labour and skills shortages by...