18.1 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024
A good night’s sleep is very important in our industry. I can’t count the number of drivers I’ve encountered who look like the walking dead from lack of good sleep, so plan your daily sleep period. Everyone’s sleep requirements are different, so pay attention to your own.
Overview A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and sponsored by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the American Transportation Research Institute of the American Trucking Associations found that almost one-third (28 percent) of commercial truck drivers...
Eating on the road can be a real challenge, for both your physical and financial health. Truck stop food these days is mostly limited to deli food, like hot dogs, burritos, pizza and fried chicken, or fast food franchises....
Let’s face facts... The lifestyle of the long haul driver is far from the healthiest of lifestyles.  Our jobs are sedentary, our stress levels can be quite high and our eating habits can be atrocious.  Grabbing a coffee and a pastry in the morning, maybe a few more coffees during the day, something quick from the truck stop deli, or one of the fast food places most truck stops offer, high sugar soft drinks, or energy drinks to “pump you up” for the last few miles of the day, then probably another burger, or something similar from the truck stop before crawling under the blankets for not-so refreshing sleep. 
See update below from DriveBc, hwy 3 is reopened in both directions for essential travel only. Highway 3 reopened, in both directions. Mudslide between Sunshine Valley and Allison Pass Summit for 36.9 km (17 to 54 km east of Hope)....
There’s an old saying, “You get what you pay for.”  Nowhere is this statement more true than in trucking.  Work gloves that cost $10.00 for 3 pairs are great for gardening, or other yard work, but in trucking, you’ll...
The Province of British Columbia in partnership with various organisations provides winter driving tips and advice to drivers through their Shift Into Winter website.  Established with the goal of improving safety on BC’s winter roads, the site offers resources...
The leaves are changing, the temperature is dropping, winter is soon approaching. Driving during the winter can be one of a driver’s most difficult tasks. A bit of preparation can make the difference between a successful journey and one...
Driving is challenging on the best of days. Entering the winter season makes it even more so. Standard precautions most driver trainers will go over are split into two categories. The first category is the vehicle, lights, tires, washer...
Winter driving in the highway is bad enough, but when you’re on city streets, it’s a totally different animal, especially during and immediately after the first serious snow fall. Until the ground freezes, the snow will partially melt in contact with the pavement and turn into slush. As more snow falls, it covers the slush, and the whole mess becomes extremely slippery.