20.5 C
Friday, July 26, 2024
A few summers back, I was golfing with some colleagues from the trucking industry in theToronto area. It just so happened that the topic of the day was the importance of driver retention and what carriers are doing to...
In recent days i have received back some unhealthy bloodwork that makes me think about and appreciate life. Firstly, I will be ok. God has always had my back. While listening to one of my favourite Bible Teachers last...
This year, we’d like to share our hopes for the coming year with ten ways to support the Women In Trucking Association mission to increase the percentage of women employed in the trucking industry. #1 More carriers will start monitoring...
“Agony claws my mind. I am a statistic. When I first got here I felt very much alone. I was overwhelmed with grief, and I expected to find sympathy. I found no sympathy. I saw only thousands of others...
As we close the calendar pages on 2018, we wanted to take the opportunity to look back at the amazing growth and successes for Women In Trucking (WIT) Association this past year. In January we started the weekly Women...
Christmas happens to be one of my favorite times of the year; it’s an amazing time that fills many of us with Love, Happiness, and Joy. It’s a time get to together with our family and friends for dinners,...
I love to see drivers making as much healthy food as possible either in the truck or at home before they leave for a trip, but sometimes prepping enough food for the road isn’t realistic, so it’s important to...
- often hear from people new to the industry who are afraid of gaining weight on the road, knowing that it can be difficult to eat well and exercise as a driver. If that’s you, I’m here to help! -...
The image of the Trucking Industry is one of those topics that have been discussed by those inside the industry as long as I can remember. When I first started driving 28 years ago the CB chatter was full...
As per the organizations, the joint wander will be named Eaton Cummins Automated Transmission Technologies. Both Cummins and Eaton will claim half of the new joint wander. "Clients are centered around powertrain arrangements that give the best blend of innovation, execution...