18.1 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Yesterday the nation heard the shocking news from Carberry Manitoba that at least 15 seniors on their way to a fun day at a casino had tragically died in a crash between a semi trailer and a bus carrying...
truck accident at the bridge


By now, I'm sure we have all heard about the tragic incident involving a truck and a bus near Carberry, MB. Reports indicate 15 fatalities and 10 serious injuries, with both drivers surviving. While it may seem evident which...
It's happened to all of us. Something breaks down, and you find yourself stranded on the shoulder of the road, waiting for a service truck. First things first, activate your emergency flashers and put on your safety vest before...

Speed blitz

The annual 72 hour blitz has come and gone and hopefully you passed any and all inspections you were called in for. The next big blitz is coming from July 9-15 2023 across North America and making it through...
Trucking is a career where life can transition from mind-numbing boredom to extreme peril in a matter of milliseconds. How you react to these changes often determines the difference between life and death. Knowing what to do, as well...
Transport Canada has issues an HOS exemption in support of wildfire response in Nova Scotia. Targeted Essential Freight Transport Exemption to Support the Emergency Response to wildfires in Nova Scotia https://tc.canada.ca/en/corporate-services/acts-regulations/list-regulations/exemptions-under-section-16-motor-vehicle-transport-act/targeted-essential-freight-transport-exemption-support-emergency-response-wildfires-nova-scotia Exemptions under section 16. of the Motor Vehicle Transport Act https://tc.canada.ca/en/corporate-services/acts-regulations/list-regulations/exemptions-under-section-16-motor-vehicle-transport-act https://tc.canada.ca/fr/services-generaux/lois-reglements/liste-reglements/exemptions-section-16-loi-transports-routiers

Wheel issues

There seems to be a lot of issues reported lately with tires coming off trucks at highway speeds. By now, I’m sure we have all seen the video (https://youtu.be/IxZnJ7LhHiA) of what can happen when a tire comes off a...
One of the biggest expenses we deal with on the road is eating, but fortunately it’s also the easiest expense to control.  Almost all trucks these days have APUs which provide for 120 AC power to run microwaves, toaster...
Heavy duty tire chains.

Summer chains

Now that the warmer temperatures have finally arrived, the chain laws in the western states and provinces have been removed, so it’s a good time to give them a good cleaning with fresh water to remove all the salt,...
Both Canada and the US have passed laws to protect their workforce.  One drivers need to pay strict attention to is known as “interstating”. Under reciprocal rules, Canadian drivers are permitted to operate in the US, the same as...