15.9 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Feds, Provinces & Territories Must Work Together to Effectively Monitor Carrier Safety Fitness The System in place currently has been broken for a long time, and solutions offered by the Industry have yet to be acted upon (the below...

Illness on the road

It happens to all of us at least once or twice. You wake up feeling like the floor in the back seat of a taxi on New Year’s Eve. Unfortunately, calling in sick is seldom an option, unless you’re...


If you’re like most long haul drivers, spending upwards of 5 to 6 weeks on the road at a time, be sure to keep all your paperwork organized and up to date. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING...
Heavy duty tire chains.

Chain laws reminder

It’s getting to be that time of year again…. Tire chain season is almost here. BC requires you to carry enough chains to cover 6 tires at minimum. This means either 2 triples and 2 singles, or 6 singles...
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is embarking on a new study to understand better the effects of driver detention time and its impact on safety and lost pay. Data previously has been hard to correlate, so this new...

Sleep Driving

Sleep Driving How Driving Drowsy can be prevented. In a CDC survey, an estimated 1 in 25 adult drivers 18+ reported having fallen asleep while driving in the previous 30 days. The survey reports that adult drivers who snore or usually...
Taking a load off Don’t sit by the dock at the bay. The Canadian trucking industry is not solely focused on the safety of driving trucks. Loading docks play a crucial role in the trucking fulfillment process, but they are often...
Transport Canada has issues an HOS exemption in support of wildfire response in Nova Scotia. Targeted Essential Freight Transport Exemption to Support the Emergency Response to wildfires in Nova Scotia https://tc.canada.ca/en/corporate-services/acts-regulations/list-regulations/exemptions-under-section-16-motor-vehicle-transport-act/targeted-essential-freight-transport-exemption-support-emergency-response-wildfires-nova-scotia Exemptions under section 16. of the Motor Vehicle Transport Act https://tc.canada.ca/en/corporate-services/acts-regulations/list-regulations/exemptions-under-section-16-motor-vehicle-transport-act https://tc.canada.ca/fr/services-generaux/lois-reglements/liste-reglements/exemptions-section-16-loi-transports-routiers
Heavy duty tire chains.

Summer chains

Now that the warmer temperatures have finally arrived, the chain laws in the western states and provinces have been removed, so it’s a good time to give them a good cleaning with fresh water to remove all the salt,...
Fueling is one chore we are regularly required to perform, but it’s also one that we seldom, if ever really think much about. Open the tank, activate the pump, put the nozzle in the tank and squeeze. When the...