15.1 C
Thursday, May 9, 2024
As technology finds new ways to make the business of operating a trucking fleet easier, the need for upskilling drivers is more important than ever. But for many companies, the question before investing in upskilling programs is – will...
I hope you are having a good Summer. We’ve been lucky with the weather and hopefully you have been able to take that family vacation. Now it’s back to work or maybe you are like so many that have...
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Detroit Field Office is inviting carriers to its annual Carrier Meeting on July 13. This year’s meeting will be held virtually, via Webex, and will provide the trade community an opportunity to attend formal presentations...
If you don’t have a job in today’s job market it is because you don’t want one or your record is too bad to hire you. That was my takeaway at a recent job fair I attended as a...
It is no secret, that the Canadian supply chain continues to heavily rely on carriers and professional drivers to transport the increasing demand of freight. Freight will range from retail products, grocery loads, heavy equipment, and more.  With the increased...
The board of directors of the Toronto Transportation Club (TTC) is pleased to announce three new scholarships to be awarded in late 2022, bringing the total to seven awards for the 2022 - 2023 academic year. The Club has...
Trucking is an industry of transient workers.  This is especially true of truck drivers.  It is not uncommon to see multiple jobs held by a driver within a short period of time.  Since drivers are in high demand, it...
Blue Truck in winter season

For Sale By Owner

Have you ever questioned how some terms or phrases are either outdated or don’t even make any sense? For example, when was the last time you actually “dialed” the phone? Except for your great aunt Edna, rotary dial phones...
Driving a bus can be a demanding and stressful job, and the need for bus drivers to maintain good health has never been greater. While the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the transportation industry to put enhanced cleaning and safety...
TTN is a well-known brand in organizing Job Fair Events in Canada targeting trucking and related industries. Due to ongoing Pandemic COVID-19 we at TTN have decided to support the economy to start organizing virtual Job Fairs events. Our very 1st...