10.7 C
Monday, May 6, 2024
Pollution from Forest Fires Affects Truck Performance Forest fires add particulate matter to the air and impact the health of individuals. The accompanying air pollution can impede vehicle performance, especially if air filters are not checked regularly for blockage. With predictions for a...
Marijuana Concerns: Is The Trucking Industry Going to Pot? The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) has issued a report studying the impacts of marijuana legalization on the trucking industry. There are concerns that current drug testing, along with the spreading...

Speed blitz

The annual 72 hour blitz has come and gone and hopefully you passed any and all inspections you were called in for. The next big blitz is coming from July 9-15 2023 across North America and making it through...
Trucking is a career where life can transition from mind-numbing boredom to extreme peril in a matter of milliseconds. How you react to these changes often determines the difference between life and death. Knowing what to do, as well...
Your driving habits play a crucial role in determining your fuel economy, which can significantly impact your financial bottom line. Whether you're an owner-operator, lease operator, or a company driver, making adjustments to your driving habits can lead to...
It is important to recognize that the pay rates in the trucking industry may not be as high as they should be. However, many drivers are unaware that their performance on the job can directly impact the amount of...
Cyber-attacks on trucking What they are and how to prepare. Over the past few years, the trucking industry has become a significant and growing target for digital hackers. It can take businesses 252 days to even identify a cyber-attack during which...
Transport Canada has issues an HOS exemption in support of wildfire response in Nova Scotia. Targeted Essential Freight Transport Exemption to Support the Emergency Response to wildfires in Nova Scotia https://tc.canada.ca/en/corporate-services/acts-regulations/list-regulations/exemptions-under-section-16-motor-vehicle-transport-act/targeted-essential-freight-transport-exemption-support-emergency-response-wildfires-nova-scotia Exemptions under section 16. of the Motor Vehicle Transport Act https://tc.canada.ca/en/corporate-services/acts-regulations/list-regulations/exemptions-under-section-16-motor-vehicle-transport-act https://tc.canada.ca/fr/services-generaux/lois-reglements/liste-reglements/exemptions-section-16-loi-transports-routiers
The Efficient Truck Program: Rebating The Costs of Making Trucks More Fuel Efficient The Province of Manitoba and the Federal Government are ramping up their joint ETP, Efficient Truck Program. Canada and Manitoba are working together to reduce pollution and help...
Instant Heat Wave: Adjusting to Canada’s Crazy Climate Here it is, the start of June and suddenly, the thermometer is soaring through the roof. Two weeks ago in Ottawa, there were frost warnings. Now much of Southern Ontario is under...