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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Feds, Provinces & Territories Must Work Together to Effectively Monitor Carrier Safety Fitness The System in place currently has been broken for a long time, and solutions offered by the Industry have yet to be acted upon (the below...

Fast or slow

Pop quiz: Which is more dangerous, driving 10 km/h under the speed limit, or 10 km/h over the speed limit? Believe it or not, going slower than the speed limit on a 2-lane highway is far more dangerous. At...

Too few straps

A recent incident in Manitoba warrants a refresher blog regarding securement requirements. A truck was cut off, causing a very hard brake application, which in turn caused the load to slide forward hitting the back of the cab. Thankfully...

Summer comfort

Just as we need to prepare ourselves and our trucks for winter driving, we also need to get the truck ready for the summer weather conditions.  First and foremost, change your tires from winter to summer tires.  Summer conditions...
This month, I’ll go over some of the basic points of dangerous goods and oversized loads.  This is in no way a complete or comprehensive article of everything you need to know regarding these 2 somewhat specialized areas of...
Commonly Missed Items from Airbrakes Inspections One of the most critical systems to inspect during driver vehicle inspection is the airbrakes system. While this is a complicated system, all tractor-trailer licence holders have to take an airbrakes course to get...
While the DOT checks all components of your air brake system, brake adjustment, or lack thereof, is the most common issue found. Earlier, we discussed how to properly adjust functioning self-adjusting slack adjusters. This article will deal with how...

Road rage

In the past few years, road rage incidents have risen sharply. Scientists and behavioral specialists have been studying the root causes for more than 20 years with no clear-cut explanation. Whatever the root cause is, person A’s reactions to...
Truck Driver Safety Did you see that a truck driver was hijacked on August 2, 2023? The hijacking was not the stealing of a truck or just a load. It was the truck, trailer, and driver. All three were hijacked....
As a professional and experienced truck driver, you know that you are to perform a vehicle inspection once every 24 hours. You also understand that you use "Schedule 1," titled, Daily Inspection of Trucks, Tractors, and Trailers to assist...