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Mental Health of Employees during Challenging times Understanding good mental health

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We need to understand employee’s mental health as it influences thinking, feeling, and behavior in their daily life. It also affects their ability on how to cope with challenges, relationships, work environment. We need to understand life’s challenges are thrown at everyone, it depends how to handle it.

In a short span of time, we all have gone thru some bad times or experience. We have or may go through disappointments, loss or change in future. These uncertainties are normal and a part & parcel of lock down but they may still cause sadness, anxiety, and stress. Many of us with strong mental health will be able to bounce back from adversity, trauma, and stress. As employees who are emotionally and mentally strong have the tools for coping with difficult situations and maintaining a positive outlook. They will remain focused, flexible, and productive, in bad times as well as good. Their positive attitude will makes them less afraid of new experiences or an uncertain future. Even when they don’t immediately know how a problem will get resolved, they are hopeful that a solution will eventually be found.

My question is how easy it to boost your employees mental health 

The good news is that as human being we all have the resilience to cope with the challenges. The difference is some can do it without help and support and some feel they need time and outside support. We don’t have to feel bad about it. There are many techniques available online to elevate your mood and become more resilient, and enjoy life more. Just as it requires effort to build and maintain physical health, so it is with mental health.

It will be tough for people who have lost their job or entrepreneurs who are suffering losses to be upbeat. Think this as a testing time because the person who will overcome these challenging times will be stronger in near future. Today the mantra is not gaining new market share but surviving the downtime. Imagine a restaurant owner in a Mall who is unable to open his establishment due to the Lockdown or a trucking company which is hauling less freight than what it use to do 6 months back. It is not easy to be happy in these times but at the end of the day it all depends on our outlook.

We need to understand that we can control something’s but not all the things in our surrounding. Focus on what you can control. It can also change your life. There are a lot of variables in life, most of which you have no control over. We can control our emotions and influence our behavior accordingly but what happens in the marketplace is out of our control. Acknowledging how you feel is important to have a self awareness.

Let’s look at some of the reactions due to the uncertainty which creates due to the current pandemic:

Physical reactions in uncertainty:Emotional reactions in uncertainty:
FatigueLoss of AppetiteHeadachesThirst and dry MouthSweating everywhereFear/AnxietyFeeling of NumbnessGuilt (Why Me)IrritabilityAngerGrief and SadnessHelplessnessDepression
Behavioral reactions in uncertainty:Cognitive reactions in uncertainty:
Emotional outburst like cryingImpaired work performanceAvoidance of othersIncreased family conflictsIncreased need to keep busyIncreased sick timeLack of concentrationConfusionIntrusive thoughts & ImagesMemory problemsHyper VigilancePoor decision making and problem solving

How can we boost our mental health?

Mental health is much more than a diagnosis. It’s your overall psychological well-being—the way you feel about yourself and your ability to manage your feelings and deal with everyday difficulties. Making these changes will pay off in all aspects of your life. It can boost your mood, build resilience, and add to your overall enjoyment of life:

  1. Change the way you talk to yourself

When we perceive our self and our life negatively, we can end up viewing experiences in a way that confirms that notion. Reverse your current negative statement into a positive statement. For example “ I am not capable” to “ I am Capable”

  1. Be Grateful for the things you have

Gratitude has been clearly linked with improved well-being and mental health, as well as happiness. The best-researched method to increase feelings of gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal or write a daily gratitude list.

  1. Do some activity you like

Involve in activities around creativity that makes you feel productive. For Example Drawing, Learning a musical instrument or Writing Journals.

  1. Go for a walk or Jog

To get the most benefit, aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. Exposure to sunlight is good for your body for vitamin D.

  1. Eat a good meal with longer intervals

What you eat nourishes your whole body. Protein-rich foods increase norepinephrine, dopamine, and tyrosine, which help keep you alert. Research shows that the food nutrients can improve mood and restore structural integrity to the brain cells necessary for cognitive function.

  1. Talk to someone.

Knowing you are valued by others is important for helping you think more positively. Plus, being more trusting can increase your emotional well-being because as you get better at finding the positive aspects in other people, you become better at recognizing your own. You don’t have to ask for any advise.

  1. Go to bed on time.

A large body of research has shown that sleep deprivation has a significant negative effect on your mood. Try to go to bed at a regular time each day, and practice good habits to get better sleep. These include shutting down screens for at least an hour before bed, using your bed only for sleep or relaxing activities, and restricting caffeinated drinks for the morning.

You have the power to take positive steps right now to improve your resilience and emotional health. Don’t wait until you’re in a crisis to make your employees mental health a priority. Besides, it is easier to form new habits when you are feeling strong. You can then implement those habits when you need them most. Pick something from this article that resonates with you and try it. Then, try something else. Slowly putting in place routines, habits, and regular patterns will help you feel better through gradual change.

If you’ve made consistent efforts to improve your mental and emotional health and still aren’t functioning optimally at home, work, or in your relationships, it may be time to seek some professional help.


Rajan Mathew currently works with MTS logistics as their Business Development Manager. He has worked with both the top Rail companies (CN/CP) in Canada as their Market Manager which involved all types of Sales and Marketing opportunities. He was involved in negotiating on multiyear contracts with huge logistics spend. Having a background with a M.B.A. in Strategic Marketing , allows him to provide strategy that can help and determine the right path going forward. He is a certified Life coach and associated with the International Coach Federation (ICF). Rajan has completed his studies in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) which helps him to understand the Human mindset and its pathways. Rajan has over 19 years experience in Marketing and Data analytics. He understands how our brain helps us to think beyond our analytical thought process. He is an avid Cricket and Soccer fan and a huge believer in giving back to the community. Thanks and Regards RAJAN MATHEW, MBA, CCLP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER MTS LOGISTICS INT. Division of Ramel Inc.

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