Happy home life

For this blog, we’re headed out to left field, as it has nothing whatsoever to do with driving, but it is critical in maintaining a healthy and happy home life.

While you are on the road for two or three weeks, perhaps longer, keep in mind that your significant other is pretty much a single parent, with all that involved. As single parents, they will eventually get a system to handle all the responsibilities and chores that go with the living situation. Things like what order household duties are performed to maximize efficiency while minimizing time and effort. Learn this system and adapt to it. Whatever you do, you don’t want to upset the apple cart and throw a wrench into their well-honed routine. For example, they might have Saturday morning set aside to do the laundry, so find another time to wash your work clothes. If your significant other is willing to wash your work clothes with the regular laundry, that is a huge plus, but it seldom happens.

In my situation, I leave on Monday and return on Wednesday or Thursday of the next week, so I’m out 10-11 days as a rule. While she is at work on Friday, I’ll do all my truck-related chores like food shopping, cooking, laundry, trip planning, downloading my E-logs, etc., as well as taking care of the yard work (cutting the grass, trimming the lawn that the mower can’t get to, weeding the garden, etc.) and any housework that she hasn’t had time to do, like sweep and vacuum the floors, clean the windows, pick up after the kids, and tend to the pets if you have any. It should go without saying that all the dishes you generate while making your meals for the truck must be washed, dried, and put away.

Don’t leave a mess for them to clean up. Even something as simple as feeding and changing your pet’s water can be a great help, as it’s one less thing they have to do. This way, we can have the weekend off together. Any chores that need doing over the weekend, you can help with, being mindful of their established routine. Their routine may not make any logical sense to you, but remember, they have perfected their routine over weeks, months, or even years of having to do everything themselves, and it works for them.

I’ll also have dinner ready for her when she gets home Friday, and on Saturdays and Sundays when I’m home, I’ll be up early and make breakfast for her, as well as making dinner both days as well, always doing up the dishes afterward. Any little thing you can do to make your significant other’s life just a little easier and less stressful will go a long way in making them feel appreciated and will help build and maintain a healthy and happy life for both of you.

Don Taylor has been a professional driver since March 1985.  In 1994 he made the jump to driving tractor trailers, and has accumulated over 3.5 million miles, including over 4 years of driving turnpike doubles in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.  He is currently hauling flat decks across North America.