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Earth Day News Release

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The BC Trucking Association (BCTA) highlights sustainability success of the Clean BC Heavy-duty Vehicle Efficiency Program

BCTA is pleased to share some exciting news regarding the sustainability strides being made through the CleanBC Heavy-duty Vehicle Efficiency (HDVE) Program.

The HDVE Program is greatly contributing toward sustainability efforts within BC’s trucking industry, leading to significant environmental benefits. Through its fuel management course and rebates, the program has successfully facilitated the adoption of cleaner, more fuel-efficient technologies and practices among motor carriers in our province. And this Earth Day, BCTA is proud to announce the remarkable success achieved by the HDVE Program to-date. The positive impact the program is having on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, and promoting overall environmental sustainability is truly significant. Since 2019, the program has removed over 300 million kgs of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere, over 111 million litres of diesel fuel burned, and the equivalent of over 64,000 passenger cars on our roads.

For further details on the program’s accomplishments and its ongoing efforts, please refer to our news release. We encourage you to share this information with your audience to raise awareness about the crucial role BC’s trucking industry plays in advancing our province’s environmental sustainability goals.


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