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Transportation Industry Hiring Process Goes Online

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The way we apply for a job today is much different than in the past as the demand for adding more technology in the hiring process continues to grow. Background checks, virtual profiles, documentation are all normal parts of the hiring process in today’s world. 

I remember when I started it was a piece of paper. You roll into the company you want to apply for and ask the receptionist for an application and a pen. You sit in their waiting room and fill it in hoping to get an on the spot interview if someone is available. If lucky you met with the hiring person and started the next week. You may not have even needed an abstract. 

The process got harder and more technical with implementation of having to have a resume. You now need to have a computer and learn to type. Resumes had to follow a certain format to show your experience properly and the debate about how long the resume should be still goes on to this day. If you read past articles from me I also suggested taking things a step further and uploading a PDF version of your resume to send via message to recruiters on a moment’s notice. You could attach your abstract criminal check and more into one document which was pretty slick yet more technical. 

Even though the process was getting more technical it was not solving the issue of fraud and problematic documentation. This is why services that verify and collect your information became popular by carriers as they knew the information they were getting was real and verified. Through one online portal they could upload your abstract, criminal record, and driving history all from one place. This allowed for a seamless process to getting the correct documentation.

The latest change in the hiring process is now online profiles. As a driver you create an online profile with a service that allows you to keep it up to date all online. You add your resume, service letters, letters of employment, awards, and much more to the system and it stays there allowing you to update it as needed. Another cool feature is that your profile can now become searchable within the system allowing for companies to search various criteria for candidates. This allows you to possibly find a job even if you aren’t looking for one or receive offers from top companies interested in you specifically. 

So as you can see over the years the hiring process has changed immensely as technology improves and as a driver it is up to you to keep up with it. With the Trucking Network Job Fair coming up in a couple months now is the time to start building those profiles and finding out how companies want you to apply for jobs. Companies are looking for people but they are looking for the right type of people for their fleets. Showing them your organizational skills up front in the hiring process is a good way to showcase the star employee that you are. Good luck and see at the job fair.


Media Entrepreneur Specializing in Transportation and Creative Industries. Professional Artist, Author, Podcast Producer, Speaker, and Television Host.

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