Insurance Rules Vary By Province

Insurance for cars and trucks – whether used commercially or privately – vary by province in Canada.  It is important to understand what rules apply for the province in which you have procured insurance.

In Ontario, for example, vehicle insurance follows a no-fault model.  Under this model, the insurer handles the claim for their clients regardless of whether or not their client was at fault for the claim.  No-fault insurance does not mean that the driver who is at fault will not see premium increases; it just means that the costs for a claim do not have to be recovered from a different insurance company.

Insurance also varies in terms of public versus private offerings.  Some provinces like British Columbia and Alberta use a public insurance provider; Alberta, by contrast, allows for private insurance companies and individuals can choose between a selection of providers.  Regardless of the rules, it is a good idea to learn a little bit about how the insurance system works in your province.