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Editors Blog

Healthcare vs Self-Care

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When most people think of the healthcare system, they think of it as being something that keeps them healthy, something they can rely on no matter what health issues arise. Unfortunately, the general population also abuses it when they should actually be using it as a last resort.

Our healthcare system in Canada is an incredible, advanced system that provides state of the art care for those who need it. But what about those who don’t truly need the urgent care and medications, or could have prevented requiring it in the first place?

You see, I believe that we take for granted what we have access to in Canada, and we rely too heavily on knowing that anytime we get sick, our healthcare system will be there to save us. So what if we were to take our health into our own hands, and do everything in our power to prevent having to resort to doctors, nurses, waiting rooms, and blood tests?

That’s where self-care comes in. Self-care is providing your body with the nourishment, exercise, and rest it needs in order to live a happier, healthier, longer life.

It really can be that simple, but it does require consistency and trial & error to find what works for your body and health. This is a theme I want you to carry with you throughout 2018: Take care of yourself first so that others don’t have to.

I won’t go too in detail about these topics as I discuss them more thoroughly in other months, but I want you to think about how you can improve these 4 areas of your health over the next 12 months.

When it comes to nutrition, this means choosing unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods more often than not and drinking plenty of water. If you don’t feel educated on what foods and drinks are truly healthy, start doing a little research to help you learn more.

Exercise is important for maintaining a fit body, but it doesn’t require hours in the gym each day. Simply moving your body daily for 15-30 minutes is enough, assuming you have a healthy diet. Remember, exercise does not undo a poor diet.

We’ve all been told we need to sleep for 8h/night, but how often do we really make our sleep a priority? Figure out how much sleep you function best on (for some it’s as little as 5h, for others it’s 10) and do your best to hit your target daily. Don’t forget to optimize your sleep environment via temperature, blinds, noise machines, correct bedding, and more.

Finally, we must practice stress reduction to reduce the effect our stress has on our health. From high blood pressure to decreased immunity, stress is one of the most underrated determinants of our health. We all have stress in our lives, and while some of it is unavoidable, it’s how we manage it that matters.

If practiced consistently, this will help keep you free of preventable diseases and illnesses, and will help you stay in touch with your body so that you can quickly react when you feel yourself becoming ill. So, will you join us in practicing more self-care in 2018?


Communications and Wellness Coordinator at NAL Insurance Inc.

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