26.8 C
Friday, July 26, 2024
Save Fuel, Save Environment, the maxim has all the relevance when we take a look at the greenhouse emissions caused by the commercial medium and heavy -duty trucks operating worldwide. A report of RMI dating back to 2012 clearly...
“Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, in fact sometimes its real hard but just remember that doing the right thing is always right.”  The above quote precisely describes the ongoing struggle of the trucking associations and human rights activists...
Were you one of many who made a New Year's resolution? If so you are not alone. The arrival of the New Year allows us to start afresh and put events of the past behind us in the rearview...

Queen Bee syndrome

Sixteen years ago, when Women In Trucking Association was formed, the response from the trucking industry was positive. They were more interested in using an untapped resource (women) to fill seats (both board seats and truck seats) than hiring...
The way we apply for a job today is much different than in the past as the demand for adding more technology in the hiring process continues to grow. Background checks, virtual profiles, documentation are all normal parts of...
For reasons unknown, each state and province have determined their own weight and wheelbase dimensions. In a perfect world, these requirements would be universal across North America, but unfortunately, they aren’t, so we need to be vigilant regarding axle...
Beginning January 1, 2023, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Commercial Safety and Compliance Branch will start to enforce the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate for commercial carriers operating within the province. Ministry of Transportation pamphlets with information about Ontario's Electronic...


There's a new word in the dictionary, "Foodflation", defined as the continuous rise in the price of food, and is higher than the general inflation level. The Canadian inflation rate stands at almost 7%, but foodflation, the rising cost...
The calendar may say fall, but winter driving conditions have already arrived. In Canada, winter driving conditions last almost half the year. Snow and ice make roads hazardous, increasing everyone's workload. We need to concentrate and be more attentive,...
One of my newer clients was recently audited by the US DOT. (YES, the US is still performing audits and it was over Zoom) Overall they did pretty well. But the US DOT had two recommendations for improving their...