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The Trucking Network Job Fairs Recap of 2019

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The Trucking Network has been putting on job fairs for years and each year they get better and better. A lot of work goes into those job fairs and as a media outlet we have covered many of them. As we move into 2020 and another series of job fairs I thought I would offer a recap of the events and why you may want to consider attending these shows whether looking for a job or just to network with others. I have been in the trucking industry for over 35 years. Twenty five of those years I drove for some great carriers from private carriers to For-Hire carriers hauling different types of freight across North America. After my driving career I went into management of drivers, safety, training, and now media as a podcast producer for the industry.

Many of the carriers I see at the job fairs I know personally either through interviews or my personal connections and many times I know drivers that have also worked for them allowing for a good rounded outlook of carriers attending the event. Let’s talk about the events in 2019 and hopefully offer some inspiration for 2020 if you didn’t attend the events. The first event was in Brampton at the Pearson Convention Centre in early March. I remember that day well as we had a record snowfall and as I was driving to the event I wondered how many would be attending.

Needless to say I was a little surprised when I found the last parking spot at the huge convention centre. The place was packed to my amazement as I walked around interviewing people and talking with fellow drivers. There were about one hundred carriers in the room and a variety of other employers from training schools to government employers like the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ministry of Transportation. That was the first event where they gave away $3000 in cash prizes to drivers and I have seen them do that consistently at the events in 2019. Hamilton was the next show but the venue was a little more diffcult to get to so attendance wasn’t as robust.

There were many quality carriers in the room and the event was well attended although not as busy as the Brampton event. The reason the events are moved around especially in a place like Hamilton is due to the regional base of some carriers. Carriers like Joseph Haulage primarily work around the Hamilton area so that was a major job fair for them. Others work more in the GTA so the Brampton show is more popular for them. This is why it is important to attend shows in different areas so that you can see carriers from different regions. Don’t assume the same carriers are at every show. Another $3000 was given away at the Hamilton show to lucky participants.

One show that I wasn’t able to attend last year was the show out in Alberta. This show was the only show out West and this show was a real money maker for a lucky driver. At this show The Trucking Network gave away $20,000 and the draw was done all at once. A women driver that was starting her career as a driver won the money and was going to use some of that to fund her new career. Congratulations on an amazing win. There were two other shows after the Alberta show with one being held in Brampton again in September and the other in Kitchener at the end of October. Both shows were well attended with different carriers attending each show. For 2020 the show list is expanding again with shows in Windsor Ontario and other Ontario locations. I would urge you to get out to these shows even if you aren’t looking for a job as the shows are also a great way to connect with others and expand your network in the industry. I hope to meet you at a show in 2020. You can learn about all of the events at


Media Entrepreneur Specializing in Transportation and Creative Industries. Professional Artist, Author, Podcast Producer, Speaker, and Television Host.

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