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Let’s talk S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goals for the year 2020

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Everyone has heard of SMART Goals but what are SMARTER  Goals?

By this time of year the New Years Resolutions or Goals have wore off for many and have lost their motivation and effectiveness to accomplish your New Years objectives.

SMARTER goals are goals for the Serious at heart who desire lasting and positive change.

S stands for SPECIFIC and SERIOUS and SUCCESS goals that make it past February of the New Year 2020.

M stands for MEASURABLE and MEANINGFULL and MASTERABLE that is spelled out “I want to lose 60 pounds by August 9 2020”.

A stands for ATTAINABLE and ATTITUDE to achieve and ACCEPTED by your conscious and subconscious mind as ACHIEVABLE by August 9 2020 for weight loss described earlier.

R stands for REALISTIC or REACHABLE to acquire the RESULTS you desire in REAL time which is the answer to the weight goal mentioned earlier such as “ Can I lose 60 pounds in 6 months?”. That is 10 pounds each and every month!

T stands for TIMELY is there a TIME limit or TARGET?” Can I lose 60 pounds in 6 months? If yes, stick with August 9 as your Time for completion of the goal to lose 60 pounds in 6 months.

E stands for EXCELLENT  or EXECUTION of your goals or Glorious EVENT once each of your SMARTER Goals are achieved.

R stands for RESULTS or REWARD. Once you attain the RESULTS you desired REWARD yourself with a trip or buy a new wardrobe or RUN a Marathon or go to your Bucket List of Lifetime goals and do one for succeeding in losing the 60 pounds!

I recently joined a weight loss program personally to lose the 60 pounds mentioned above. It deals with both the physical wellness (weight loss) as well as the mental wellness Cognitive aspects of weight loss.

I also recently discovered in my company’s Achievement Training vault there are 283 teachings about everything from Self Esteem by Bob Proctor to Positive Mental Attitude taught by Tony Robbins to mention a few.

I recognize that my weight gain was caused by low self esteem and I was feeding my nerves, So I plan to watch or listen to one of the 283 courses that takes about an hour each morning right after my personal weigh in.

I’m 65 which I know in the Trucking world is young for many of you out there on the road but I know that I am risking my health by carrying an extra 60 pounds. Poor self esteem got it here and improved self esteem and plugging into a weight loss program alongside a motivational coach on my iphone to keep me accountable weekly will get the weight off.

I believe that the sign up for weight loss and the sudden discovery of an Achievement and Positive attitude arsenal was divine in nature as I mentioned earlier I can SEE myself at 180 pounds now. For the first time in years.

I’ll write about Goals again in August to be published in September so that all of you can hold me accountable as well! So let’s revisit, It’s S for SPECIFIC , M for MEASURABLE, A for ACHIEVABLE, R for REACHABLE, T for TIMELY, E for EXECUTION, and R stands for REWARD!

It’s mind over matter so if it matters we need to feed the mind properly just like we do our body!

YOU can do this!

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David S Brown
The Wealthy Farmer signing off.
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David S. Brown

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