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Editors Blog

Border Wait Times

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The US Government Shutdown has definitely had an impact on cross border travel both land and air. Recently drivers have experienced long border wait times and bad winter weather border closures. With the TSA and CBP officers some working without pay and some not showing up for work as they are not getting paid, this has created havoc for travellers both personal and commercial. Recently our Canadian drivers experienced border turn backs and border closures. This was caused by a few things: Winter Weather, remembering that the US has very limited workers currently due this government shut down so winter weather road clearing has become difficult as well.

How to help yourself get through the borders both land and air during this government shutdown, and everyday after, when travelling to the USA from Canada: Be prepared to have long wait times, have all of your international documents for crossing ready, these include your Passport and/or your FAST card for commercial drivers, your NEXUS for personal use. FAST cards can be used for all land border crossings by commercial drivers and NEXUS can be used for all land and air travel for personal use. Have all of your accurate documents such as ACE eMainfest that you can file online 4 hours prior to your driver arriving at the border, you can do this via the ACE Secure Data Portal at: as well when coming into Canada you will need your ACI eManifest that you can file online 4 hours prior to your driver arriving at the border at: A simple set up of your account and inputting your vehicle, driver and company information you will be able to control this mandatory documentation arriving on time prior to your driver getting to the border. The CBSA and US CBP have set out very steep fines for any inaccuracies in documentation at the border. Make sure that your manifests, BOL’s, Customs invoice and shipping documents are all 100% accurate to save yourself those hefty fines.

Make sure your truck has adequate working heat for those border delays and any stoppage times, you may want to invest in a bunk warmer for those cold winter nights we are experiencing this year.

For more information about this article, fines you may have received, or safety & compliance programs such as CTPAT, FAST, PIP, TTP, AEO, CSA, please contact Cross Border Services at

The US Government Shutdown has definitely had an impact on cross border travel both land and air. Recently drivers have experienced long border wait times and bad winter weather border closures. With the TSA and CBP officers some working without pay and some not showing up for work as they are not getting paid, this has created havoc for travellers both personal and commercial. Recently our Canadian drivers experienced border turn backs and border closures. This was caused by a few things: Winter Weather, remembering that the US has very limited workers currently due this government shut down so winter weather road clearing has become difficult as well.

How to help yourself get through the borders both land and air during this government shutdown, and everyday after, when travelling to the USA from Canada: Be prepared to have long wait times, have all of your international documents for crossing ready, these include your Passport and/or your FAST card for commercial drivers, your NEXUS for personal use. FAST cards can be used for all land border crossings by commercial drivers and NEXUS can be used for all land and air travel for personal use. Have all of your accurate documents such as ACE eMainfest that you can file online 4 hours prior to your driver arriving at the border, you can do this via the ACE Secure Data Portal at: as well when coming into Canada you will need your ACI eManifest that you can file online 4 hours prior to your driver arriving at the border at: A simple set up of your account and inputting your vehicle, driver and company information you will be able to control this mandatory documentation arriving on time prior to your driver getting to the border. The CBSA and US CBP have set out very steep fines for any inaccuracies in documentation at the border. Make sure that your manifests, BOL’s, Customs invoice and shipping documents are all 100% accurate to save yourself those hefty fines.

Make sure your truck has adequate working heat for those border delays and any stoppage times, you may want to invest in a bunk warmer for those cold winter nights we are experiencing this year.

For more information about this article, fines you may have received, or safety & compliance programs such as CTPAT, FAST, PIP, TTP, AEO, CSA, please contact Cross Border Services at

Dawn Truell,

President, Cross Border Services


President, CEO at Cross Border Services

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