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Magazines cover a wide array subjects, including but not limited to fashion, lifestyle, health, politics, business, Entertainment, sports, science,

Let’s talk S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goals for the year 2020

Everyone has heard of SMART Goals but what are SMARTER  Goals? By this time of year the New Years Resolutions or Goals have wore off for many and have lost their motivation

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Money & Self-Worth

Few subjects strain our personal self-worth more than financial problems especially as we experience manifestations and symptoms of those problems. The least problematic is embarrassment. The increased financial cost (fees & penalties),

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Trucking Network Kicks Off 2020 Job Fair Season

The trucking event season has kicked off with the first Trucking Network Job Fair launching in March 2020. The Brampton job fair held at the Pearson Convention Centre was a major success

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5 Steps for Changing your Health

When you’re looking to get healthy, it can be difficult to know what things you should focus on first. It’s up to you to decide what applies to your current lifestyle and

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Cutting Pop out of your Diet

I’ve recent been hearing people refer to the fall as “the other New Year,” and I think that’s a great way to look at it, especially when it comes to your health!

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Workout Motivation

We’ve all been there: finishing a long day at work, tackling your to-do list, and then sitting down to relax, if you have time. Maybe you’re on the road and in the

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Should I Try a low carb diet?

These days, it seems like everyone and their dog is labelling their diet; paleo, keto, pescetarian, gluten-free, vegan, the list goes on… The nutrition world is filled with so much noise, with

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Portion Control

Portion control is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Over the years, the portion sizes have grown tremendously. Burgers have 2-3 patties, pop bottles are triple the size of

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“Live Life Alive”

In recent days i have received back some unhealthy bloodwork that makes me think about and appreciate life. Firstly, I will be ok. God has always had my back. While listening to

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Beating the SAD Winter Blues

Have you experienced it before? The low energy, irritable mood, no desire to get out of bed, which usually occurs around this time of year? The Winter Blues, more formally known as

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