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Latest Scams & Security Threats to Be Aware Of

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There is a real problem occurring everyday in our society now, scams and security threats to our private and professional information as well as to our banking now. Please read this article and use as much of this collected researched information as you can to keep you, your families and your businesses safe.

Last week I had a conversation with a representative from the RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) regarding Scams that are currently going on. Numerous people have been reporting that someone has called or emailed them saying that they are with the RBC and are requiring information about their finances. The RBC is aware of this situation and are requesting that anyone who this happens to, please report this situation right away to the RBC. They also advise that at No time Ever would any bank send you emails requesting you to call or contact them regarding your finances nor would they demand your financial information over the telephone! The RBC bank takes these matters seriously, if this happens to you here is the contact information for the RBC Fraud Reporting: 1-800-769-2511, if you are outside of Canada you must add the “+” to the number +800-769-2511. For reporting suspicious emails and fake websites posing as RBC send an email to (and you may forward the suspicious email as well) You can also make a complaint at:

Banking machines scams: When using a bank machine to do your banking always be aware of your surroundings, check who is around you and make sure that you cover your PIN when entering it so that no one can see it, video tape it or take pictures of it. Never use your bank debit card to pay for gas at a gas station there have been many scams where the debit machines have been infiltrated and copies of debit cards have been made, be careful when in gas stations to cover your PIN entry.

High School students are being targeting with a bank card scam. Students are being approached and offered financial compensation for providing the scammers with their bank card and PIN number, the scammers take the bank cards to the bank machines and withdraw all of the money in their accounts and then deposit money from another fraud scam into the students account and then do an immediate withdrawal of that money, banks hold the person with the accounts responsible unfortunately. This has been caught on camera by the Police. If you suspect this has happened to you or your teenager, please contact your local police immediately.

Money transfer scams: This is a very easy way to get money, it’s like sending instant cash to someone. Be careful to enter the recipients email address correctly. Check with that person to ensure that they received what you had sent. Never send money to someone whom you don’t know. If someone you don’t know like a seller online insisting on a bank or wire transfer for payment or someone advertising a holiday rental or a foreign government official (who would never actually ask someone for money) or a person or organization claiming to need help and requesting a money transfer. If this happens to you or someone you know please contact your local police department and your bank for reporting.

CRA scams: There have been numerous reports of people being called by someone who is supposedly with the CRA, the caller demands immediate payment of taxes due and will arrange for the person to either do an immediate bank transfer of funds or will request a meeting at a said location for immediate payment. Tell the caller that you are unaware of this situation and that you will check your information and call the CRA office back and hang up the phone! If it truly is the CRA they will not mind that you will be calling them back.

There is a man currently in the Peterborough area that is attempting to open bank accounts using someone else’s names. If you suspect this has happened to you, please contact your local police department immediately or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or online at The Police are still searching for this man.

The “Romance” Scam. Here are the red flags to look out for: Be very careful about online dating sites. There are an extreme number of online predators that create “fake” profiles, they use other people’s photos, make up fictitious information about themselves. If it seems too good to be true it is. If they don’t want to meet in person, they are not who they say they are. If they ask for money, don’t give them any. If you suspect that someone has used your personal information and/or pictures in an online dating scam, please contact the police right away.

A Burlington woman, 60 years old, Sandra Walker, the branch manager, has been charged with fraud after investigators discovered that she had stolen $1.7 million from various customers over time at the CIBC bank. Anyone with information regarding this case please contact the major fraud unit at 905-546-4527.

Trucking industry related scams: Persons posing as truck drivers calling into dispatch requesting an EFS MoneyCode for a fuel or repair advance, persons calling into dispatch identifying themselves as a repair shop demanding payment via EFS, fake tow truck services calling in for EFS, load broker scams – persons calling in under trucking companies names but don’t actually work for that company and steal loads from the load boards and request EFS for immediate payments. Fictitious violations payment requests – persons pretending to be a border officer, police officer or ministry of transportation employee demanding payment for a fictitious violation. The latest one in the Brampton/Toronto area – actual truck drivers calling in while carrying a load and holding the load hostage demanding immediate cash payment for the load or the load will be stolen. Please make sure to train all your truck drivers about security and safety. Please be sure to insist that they are aware of their surroundings at all times and to never divulge information about them, the company that they carry for, their truck unit or any financial information and never give out the authorization for the EFS MoneyCode unless you know exactly for 100% certain to whom you are authorizing this. Truck driving schools – be sure that who you are getting your driver training from is an accredited driving school. High Security Seals – be sure that who you are buying your seals from are an accredited certified seals company, please be sure not to buy seals from another truck driver nor give your seals to another truck driver, be sure that your security seal on your trailer is secure and has not been tampered with or changed, these are all clear breaches of security.

Scammers posing as CBSA employees – Numerous complaints have been reported about people calling, emailing and texting, claiming to be employees of the CBSA and who are requesting personal and/or money information. This is a scam! The CBSA never requests anyone’s personal information, social insurance number, credit card numbers, banking information or cash payments by telephone or email.

If any of the above-mentioned scams have happened to you or someone you know, please contact the following: For immediate threats to you, your family or a suspected national security threat please call 9-1-1. For suspicious cross border activities call 1-888-502-9060. For non urgent suspicious activities call the RCMP at the National Security Tip Line: 1-800-420-5805.

Stay safe and as we welcome in the New Year 2020 may everyone be safe, secure and successful.

For more information about this article, border crossings or safety & compliance programs such as CTPAT, FAST, PIP, TTP, AEO, CSA, NEXUS please contact Cross Border Services at

Dawn Truell,
Cross Border Services


President, CEO at Cross Border Services

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