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Editors Blog

Keep On Trucking Through COVID-19 Pandemic

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The world is changing. We have seen the icebergs melting causing our water levels to rise significantly from Global Warming. The ups and downs of the new Trans Mountain Pipeline project. Terror Attacks around the World. Now we are facing a new Coronavirus, the COVID-19, the technical term is SARS-CoV-2. We are seeing not only thousands of people sick around the World, but our Economy is being hit largely.

Canada has closed its borders to all Non-Canadians or Non-Permanent Residents, in an attempt to curb the spread of this highly contagious severe COVID-19 Pandemic. What does this mean for the Trucking industry? Keep on Trucking! The borders both Canada and the USA are still open for commercial trade. CBSA and CBP have added hundreds of officers to help in the screening of COVID-19 at all border points. Truck drivers are exempt from the 14 days of isolation when crossing the borders for commercial deliveries however if any driver has symptoms such as a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, they must self isolate for the 14-day period. Supplies must keep moving and the trucking industry is very highly relied upon for keeping goods moving on both sides of the borders. When we go to our local grocery stores, we see empty shelves from the toilet paper sections to canned goods to frozen goods and even fresh fruits and vegetables. Our trucking industry is what re stocks all those shelves, therefore, they have the green light to keep moving.

During this time in the USA the hours of service hours rules have been temporarily suspended for all truck drivers and motor carriers that are carrying much needed goods during and related directly to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The following are included in this ruling: transportation of foods, medical supplies and equipment, anything linked to the establishment and management of temporary housing due to the COVID-19. This ruling does not apply to any loads that are not directly related to the above-mentioned list.

Canada’s MTO has not yet released any statements regarding extended hours of service for commercial trucks drivers in Canada although we already have the ruling of 14 hours on duty and 10 hours off duty during a 24 hour period so that should pretty much cover our Canadian drivers.

Keep those supplies moving Canadian Trucking Companies and Drivers! We need you especially during this crisis! Stay safe and healthy!

For more information about this article, shipping concerns, suspicious activities reporting, border crossings or safety & compliance programs such as CTPAT, FAST, PIP, TTP, AEO, CSA, NEXUS please contact Cross Border Services at

Dawn Truell,
Cross Border Services


President, CEO at Cross Border Services

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