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Magazines cover a wide array subjects, including but not limited to fashion, lifestyle, health, politics, business, Entertainment, sports, science,

Healthy Food on the Go

I love to see drivers making as much healthy food as possible either in the truck or at home before they leave for a trip, but sometimes prepping enough food for the

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Are you a new driver? Here’s how to stay healthy on the road!

– Often hear from people new to the industry who are afraid of gaining weight on the road, knowing that it can be difficult to eat well and exercise as a driver.

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Supplements for Truckers

Whether you eat a perfectly healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables or you rely solely on fast food, it’s important to consider whether you could benefit from any types of supplements.

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Why you need to fill up on Premium

Our bodies and our engines have a lot in common, including their preference for quality fuel. Whether you drive a truck, car, motorcycle, or boat, you know that its performance and mileage

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Healthcare vs Self-Care

When most people think of the healthcare system, they think of it as being something that keeps them healthy, something they can rely on no matter what health issues arise. Unfortunately, the

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Healthy sources of protein & fat to keep in the truck

Keeping Protein & Healthy Fat in the Truck If you’re looking to lose fat, decrease inflammation, and improve your overall health, you’re going to want to look at doing a few key

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Getting Fit on a Time & Money Budget

Two excuses I often hear for why people (including drivers) can’t be healthy is that it costs too much money and takes too much time. I’ve addressed how to deal with this

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Healthy Comfort Food – Right in the Truck!

With winter in full force, we naturally look to warm, comforting meals to satisfy us, but they often come with a cost: high amount of calories, (saturated) fat, salt, and simple carbs.

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