8.3 C
Friday, April 19, 2024
Did you know that the trucking industry experienced its first boom in Canada by participating in the war effort? This sector, which now transports 70% of our daily life goods in North America, was indeed responsible for the successful preparation of the Canadian...
The BC Trucking Association (BCTA), in partnership with the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, announces the second offering of the CleanBC Heavy-duty Vehicle Efficiency (HDVE) Program. The Province of British Columbia has committed $1.4 million to a second year...
The Trucking Industry became complex through the opening months of 2020. New trade agreements with the U.S. Mexico and Canada and low fuel costs enthused the possibilities of a boom in this business sector. But then COVID-19 struck and...
I have been asked about 100 times lately about this new App that CBSA has put out, yes you must use it! Use this mobile app to speed up your arrival process into Canada and spend less time with...
Please note, the entire virtual conference will be recorded and will be made available to all registered attendee’s after the conference has concluded, so even if you are unable to attend for the entire event, you will not miss out! For...
Do I get it because I look like I've been in this industry a long time? Is it the trucker belly? Or the grey hair of wisdom sprinkling my hair and whiskers? (ok, a little more than a sprinkle!)...
Every trucking fleet relies on its operating authority to do business. In Ontario, it is known as the Commercial Motor Vehicle Operator’s Registration or CVOR. The math varies by jurisdiction, but the principle remains the same; have your interactions...
The message is clear, operate safely or suffer the consequence.  Insurance companies are paying closer attention to their trucking clients than ever before. After several high-profile collisions and the increase in so-called “nuclear verdicts” premiums are on the rise...
“I’ll never know if the sacrifices of losing my first marriage was worth it.” — Daymond John Listening to Daymond John made me think about two things: 1) That many successful entrepreneurs make extreme sacrifices to build their businesses and 2) Is...
Now is a good time to prepare our final wishes and save our family from the hardship of planning our funeral and interment. The people involved would be our Financial Planner, Estate Planner, Accountant, Lawyer and Funeral Director, Minister, Prepaid...