6.4 C
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Don't be the victim of a scammer   The email started innocent enough. The question from the CEO asked if the employee had a moment to “get a task done.” The sender asked the reader to purchase eight eBay gift cards...
New Year’s Resolutions…What, is it that time again? New Years, it’s a great time to take another look at things from a different perspective. Hopefully over the holidays you set aside a little downtime for you and your family and...
Cargo Theft in Canada Highest in North America We all saw the news on Monday, January 13, 2020 when a tractor trailer truck full of high value meat was stolen and unfortunately crashed causing the death of the driver who...
Auditor general reports in Manitoba and Ontario, released this fall, uncovered some major shortcomings when it comes to enforcement of regulations governing Commercial Motor Vehicle Carriers, drivers, and monitoring of the programs and people who are responsible for administering...
Let’s start with a few questions that we ask ourselves at this time of year….like… How can I do better this year then last? How can I retire? Is there something I can do to make things better in...
The Trucking Network has been putting on job fairs for years and each year they get better and better. A lot of work goes into those job fairs and as a media outlet we have covered many of them....
Each year the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) asks drivers and carriers about their top concerns. As you can imagine, the drivers list differs from the trucking companies’ list, but some issues do affect both groups significantly. Detention and...
Rate factor plays a small part that contributed to a low year for the transportation industry and like the trade warfare, the rest of factors might not have an instantaneous resolution either. Few more factors affecting 2020 freight outlook...
Did you know that the trucking industry experienced its first boom in Canada by participating in the war effort? This sector, which now transports 70% of our daily life goods in North America, was indeed responsible for the successful preparation of the Canadian...
The Trucking Industry became complex through the opening months of 2020. New trade agreements with the U.S. Mexico and Canada and low fuel costs enthused the possibilities of a boom in this business sector. But then COVID-19 struck and...