8.8 C
Friday, April 19, 2024
While 2020 has been difficult for many small businesses, this year has given consumers renewed enthusiasm to support small businesses going forward. 2021 trends suggest that there will be better times ahead with the growth of conscious and compassionate...
The Trucking Network (TTN) is a well-known brand in publishing trucking magazine and organizing Job Fair Events in Canada serving trucking and related industries. @TTN we are proud to announce and confirm "fully virtual" Mega Job Fair Event on Nov 7th 2020...
It finally struck me, why this pandemic thing is bothering me so much. Well, there's lots about it that is bothering me, the inconvenience and the life it has stolen, the day to day things, friends I can't see,...
Q: Why do some people always wear black or the same type of clothing each day? A: To prevent Decision Fatigue “You’ll see I only wear grey or blue suits. I am trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to...
The Facility Association (FA) revamped their rating and commercial underwriting rules to improve alignment with the regular insurance market. The Facility Association administers automobile insurance residual market on behalf on the insurance industry in nine provincial jurisdictions, except B.C., Manitoba...
WSIB chair Elizabeth Witmer announced at the board’s AGM today that the WSIB will be holding all premium rates at their 2020 level for 2021.    This means employers in the trucking industry will pay the same premium rate in 2021...
Most folks in Ontario trucking are aware of the serious sanctions if a commercial vehicle loses a wheel. Many professional drivers are unaware of basic wheel separation preventive measures, there still is a lot of fear in the industry...
I ’m angry because I saw a man being murdered by a vicious person. I'm sad because I’ve seen far too much of this in my life. Sick, that racism is so prevalent even in 2020 and so many...

HERoes of the Highway

Do you remember when you were a child and someone would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? The typical elementary school response was firefighter, police officer, teacher, doctor, pilot, or even astronaut cited by...
The PMTC has been involved in consultations with Transport Canada and CCMTA on Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) for many years and have come out in favour of them on numerous occasions. We were extremely pleased when the announcement was...